Who Was Henry H. Harrison Who Lived in Curtin in 1890?
Posted By Norman Gasbarro on April 1, 2019

According to information found in the 1890 Civil War Soldiers’ Census for Curtin, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, Line #19, there was a “Henry H. Harrison” living there who served as a Private in Company I of the 177th Pennsylvania Infantry (Drafted), for 9 months and 5 days.
No person by that name has been found in the records of the
177th Pennsylvania Infantry , in any of the pension records, or in other censuses for the Lykens Valley area.

At the bottom of the census form, Line #19, there is a notation in the remarks column that appears to be “Sick —-” (?). Note: Click on above image to enlarge.
A close name in this same regiment is Harry H. Hipple, who served as a 1st Sergeant in Company F. That veteran applied for a pension in 1892 as shown on the card below from Fold3, which also indicates that he went by an alias – and after his death, a widow applied for pension benefits. According to information on the Ancestry.com version of the Pension Index Card, the widow’s name was Lavina Hipple and she applied in 1896, indicating that the veteran died just before her application.
Was this the same person who was living in Curtin in 1890?
A check of the Registers of Pennsylvania Volunteers from the Pennsylvania Archives indicates that this Harrison Hipple enrolled at Lancaster, Lancaster County, at the age of 24.
Perhaps a blog reader can solve this mystery.