
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Relief Corps Has No Funds for Flowers, 1932

Posted By on November 9, 2018

The Womens’ Relief Corps of Lykens-Wiconisco made a special appeal to readers of the Lykens Standard on 27 May 1932, for assistance in obtaining flowers to decorate the graves of soldiers of the Civil War and Spanish American War:

Relief Corps Will Accept Flowers For Grave Decoration

Because of reverse financial conditions the Ladies’ Relief Corps who have for a number of years purchased plants for the decoration of  graves of veterans of the Spanish War and Civil War, will be unable to carry out this plan this year.  In view of this fact they are making a public appeal to the local residents to assist them in this time of adversity by contributing flowers for making of bouquets which they will place on Memorial Day.  This method was the general practice for many years, until through the efforts of this worthy organization, sufficient funds were accumulated each year for the purchasing of plants for this purpose.  We feel sure residents will cooperate in this particular by sending flowers to the G.A.R. Hall, North Second Street, Saturday afternoon, May 28th at which time several members of the corps will be present to care for the contributions.

Members of the Corps are requested to report to the G.A.R. Hall, Sunday evening at 6 o’clock, from which place they will leave in a body to attend a Memorial service in the Wiconisco M.E. Church.

The members of the Corps will conduct a Memorial service at the first bridge, Market Street, on the evening of May 30th, at 6 o’clock.  An address, singing and recitations will compose the program now arranged.  Everyone is cordially invited to attend.


News clipping from Newspapers.com.


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