Petersburg National Battlefield – Monument to the 48th Pennsylvania Infantry at the Crater
Posted By Norman Gasbarro on April 11, 2013
Located at the fence around “The Crater” at the Petersburg National Battlefield, is the monument to the 48th Pennsylvania Infantry. The monument is in the design of a stone podium with the inscription on the top face.
“Crater of mine excavated by 48th Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry, Burnside’s 9th Corps, 30 July 1864.”
Sgt. Henry “Snapper” Reese
The fuse for the explosion was lit by Sgt. Henry “Snapper” Reese of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. For his efforts, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.
The controversy over whether Henry Reese should have received the Medal of Honor for his gallantry at “The Crater” is discussed on the blog of the 48th Pennsylvania Infantry.
Henry “Harry” Reese died on 7 May 1893. His obituary appeared in newspapers throughout Pennsylvania. The one shown above was from the Philadelphia Inquirer.
SHAMOKIN, 7 May 1893 – Lieutenant Harry Reese, who fired the mine at Petersburg, was buried with military honors by Lincoln Post, G.A.R., this afternoon, the funeral being the largest in the history of the town, seven thousand people thronging the cemetery and streets leading to his late home.
A preliminary listing of men of whom it is believed served at one time or another in the 48th Pennsylvania Infantry, and who definitely have or may have had some connection to the Lykens Valley area and for whom records are being acquired, follows here. The “CW” number in brackets is a relatively new file reference to the Civil War Project. It was created to assist in the management of the digital files of the project. Eventually, it will be used as a searching device on the blog, thus creating a easy way to find all posts associated with a particular veteran who may have been named in many different ways when discussed in a post. It is also a way to differentiate between more than one veteran of the same name. It should also be noted that the birth and death years given are in some cases approximations, and accurate, verifiable information may not yet have been obtained. Readers are invited to submit documentation where there is disagreement.
[CW#A003.8] James Aikman Sr. (1832-1836) ——–[CW#A028] Daniel Emanuel Artz (1845-1913) ——-[CW#B050] George S. Beisel (18xx-xxxx) ——–[CW#B080] Nicholas Biddle (1796-1876) ——– [CW#B124.5] John Bomgardner (1842-xxxx) ——–[CW#B138] Oliver C. Bosbyshell (1839-1921) ——–[CW#B178.7] John B. Boyer (18xx-xxxx) ——–[CW#B190] James W. Brennan (18xx-xxxx) ——–[CW#B221] John M. Brown (1836-1914) ——–[CW#C007] Lindsey Hugh “Lin” Campbell (1829-1885) ———[CW#C122] Charles Curtis (1842-1905) ——–[CW#D007] George W. Daniels (1845-xxxx) ——–[CW#D049] James Dempsey (18xx-xxxx) ——– [CW#D056] John W. Derr (1839-1876) ——– [CW#D092] George Doney (1825-1864) ——– [CW#E025] James W. Elliot (18xx-xxxx) ——- [CW#E0810] William Evans (18xx-1864) ——– [CW#E084] Solomon Eyster (1840-1864) ——– [CW#F089.7] William H. Francis (18xx-xxxx) ——- [CW#F110] Samuel Fryberger (1846-1896) ——– [CW#G010] Thomas W. Garland (1847-1925) ——– [CW#G089] Horatio Grim (18323-1903) ——– [CW#082] Louis T. Heckard (18xx-1880) ——– [CW#H099] James Kellerson Helms (1841-1893) ——– [CW#H156.3] Franklin “Francis” Hoch (1843-1912) ——– [CW#J010] Richard M. Jones (1828-1900) ——– [CW#K052.6] Peter Keller (1837-1913) ——— [CW#K067] William B. Kershner (1833-1919) ———- [CW#K073] John Kessler (18xx-xxxx) ——– [CW#K145] Benjamin Klouser (1843-xxxx) ——– [CW#K146] Jacob Klouser (1843-xxxx) ——— [CW#148.5] Daniel Henry Knarr (18xx-xxxx) ——– [CW#173] Lewis W. “Ludwig” Kopp (1846-1864) ——— [CW#K188] Daniel Kopps (18xx-xxxx) ——— [CW#L022] Christian Lauer (18xx-1864) ——– [CW#L029] William Leasure (1835-xxxx) ——– [CW#L087] Richard Littlehales (1838-1915) ——– [CW#L089] Thomas C. Littlehales (1839-1915) ——– [CW#L094] William Lodge (1827-1903) ——– [CW#M010] Patrick Mallen (18xx-xxxx) ——– [CW#M059] Lewis A. Maul (1844-xxxx) ——– [CW#M063] William P. Maurer (18xx-xxxx) ——- [CW#M064.5] David Maurey (18xx-xxxx) ——– [CW#M094] Thomas McGee (18xx-xxxx) ———– [CW#M243] William D. Murphy (18xx-xxxx) ——– [CW#N004] James Nagle (1822-1866) ——– [CW#O007] Jonathan Okum (1822-1902) ——— [CW#O026] William Owens (1842-xxxx) ——– [CW#R014] Peter B. Rank (1839-xxxx) ——– [CW#R040] Henry “Snapper” Reese (1835-1893) ——— [CW#R098.9] Daniel Riegle (18xx-xxxx) ——– [CW#R099.5] Franklin Riegle (1834-1891) ——– [CW#R102.28] Jacob A. Riegle (18xx-xxxx) ——– [CW#R102.48] John A. Riegle (18xx-xxxx) ——– [CW#R137] Edward J. Robson (1823-1893) ——– [CW#S034] Elias Schell (1844-1897) ——— [CW#S124.7] Paul Sheck (1817-1903) ———- [CW#S170] Franklin B. “Frank” Shriver (18xx-xxxx) ——– [CW#S184] Joshua K. Siegfried (1832-1896) ——— [CWS335] William Straw (1841-1906) ——— [CW#T024] Robert B. Thompson (1843-1916) ——— [CW#T032] John J. Tobias (1847-xxxx) ——— [CW#T046.5] George Traub Jr. (1846-1882) ——– [CW#T070] William Otis Tyson (1843-1907) ——— [CW#W075] Samuel Wenrich (1841-1899) ——— [CW#W133] Jeremiah “Jerry” Willoner (18xx-1864) ——– [CW#Y013] William Young (18xx-xxxx).
of the members of the 48 Pennsylvania that dug the tunnel at Petersburg, where there
actually any of those diggers charge into the resulting crater?