Old Soldiers Homes – Preliminary Listing of Veterans
Posted By Norman Gasbarro on April 10, 2013
This post attempts to identify those Civil War veterans who have been included in the Civil War Research Project for whom some record has been obtained of their residency in one of the many Old Soldiers’ Homes that were found throughout the country – operated by the federal government as well as the state government. For a story on how and why these homes were created, see the post entitled: Old Soldiers’ Homes.

Soldiers’ Home, Dayton, Ohio
The national homes identified thus far where “old soldiers” from the Lykens Valley resided were in Dayton, Ohio; Hampton, Virginia; Marion, Indiana; Leavenworth, Kansas; Johnson City, Tennessee; Washington, District of Columbia; and Los Angeles, California. The state homes were in: Erie, Pennsylvania; Grand Rapids, Michigan; and Sandusky, Ohio. There were additional national homes, e.g., in Togus, Maine, and in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, but no one has yet been identified at those homes who may have been from the Lykens Valley area.
This listing is a work in progress and should not be considered complete. As additional veterans are identified for the Civil War Research Project by readers, they can be added in the “comments” section at the end of the post – or sent as an e-mail to the Project. For each of the named veterans, at least one record has been obtained to verify that they were a short or long-term resident of the specified home. For a few, the home record may identify a veteran of the same or a similar name and may not be the veteran who is identified for the Civil War Research Project. As always, the Project welcomes any and all pictures, stories, documents, genealogies, etc. connected to Civil War veterans.
[CW#A012] Henry J. Alspach (1837-1892) ———– [CW#A017] Jacob Alvord (1837-1907) ———— [CW#A026] Enos R. Artman (1838-1912) ———– [CW#B132] Henry Bordner (1837-1907) ———– [CW#B176] Charles E. Bown (1841-1919) ———— [CW#B243] Miles W. Buck (1848-1909) ———– [CW#C040] Henry Chubb (1827-1906) ———— [CW#C100] Horace Gates Crabb (1830-1903) ———- [CW#D023] Thomas Dawson (1842-1919) ———– [CW#E056] Gabriel Enty (1846-xxxx) ———- [CW#E058] Peter S. Erb (1844-1900) ———– [CW#E081] Aaron H. Evitts (1847-1916) ———– [CW#F018] Henry A. Feagley (1832-1865) ———– [CW#F028.5] Franklin Fenstermacher (1827-xxxx) ——– [CW#F072] David Fornwalt (1837-1913) ———- [CW#F075] Edward J. Fortman (1843-1914) ———- [CW#F086] John S. Fox (1832-1907) ———- [CW#G099.5] Christian Gulliver (1841-1915) ———– [CW#H057] Benamin Hartzog (1843-xxxx) ———- [CW#H059] James Homer Haskins (18xx-1899) ————- [CW#H077] William Casper Haynes (1839-1894) ———- [CW#H140] Michael Hetrick (18xx-xxxx) ———- [CW#H161.5] Theodore Hoff (1844-1921) ————- [CW#H170.5] George H. Hoffman (1840-1903) ————– [CW#H196.5] Samuel Hoffman (1839-1911) ————– [CW#H207] Isaac W. Holland (1845-1928) ——– [CW#H213] Daniel Homer (1841-1891) ———- [CW#K004] Henry Kauderman (1829-1887) ———– [CW#K031] Emanuel Kehres (1837-1913) ———– [CW#K065] Garrett Kerrigan (1843-1914) ———— [CW#K088] David P. Kissinger (18xx-xxxx) ————- [CW#K109] Julius Kling (1825-1908) ——– [CW#K137] Philip Klinger (1840-1918) ———- [CW#K148] Charles Knarr (1843-1916) ———– [CW#L091] Gustavus W. “Augustus” Loback (1837-1913) ————- [CW#L110] Joseph “Joshua” Louden (18xx-1904) ———— [CW#M021.5] Edward Marland (1839-1915) ———— [CW#M026.5] John Martin (1819-1894) ————- [CW#M033] Richard F. Martz (1843-1930) ————- [CW#M089] Timothy McDonald (1844-1923) ———— [CW#M163] John Adams Miller (1834-1912) ————- [CW#M246.5] John W. Murthersbaugh (1836-1912) ————- [CW#N009] William M. Negley (18xx-xxxx) ————- [CW#P071.5] Morgan Pugh (1830-1879) ————— [CW#R047] Franklin H. “Frank” Reiner (1842-1920) —————— [CW#R102.55] John Frederick Riegle (1846-1928) ———— [CW#R104.6] Lewis K. Riegle (1845-1913) ————- [CW#R120] Henry Rishe (1836-1904) ———— [CW#R125] Balthaser Ritzman (1841-1910) ———- [CW#S028] John F. Saylor (1830-1901) ————– [CW#S066.7] George H. Schwenk (1843-1915) ————- [CW#S084] Joseph Seiders (1841-1918) ———— [CW#S124.7] Paul Sheck (1817-1903) ———— [CW#S271] George Gaines Spear Jr. (1840-1926) ———- [CW#S290] Jacob Stark (1833-1918) ———— [CW#S293] Elias G. Starr (1835-1916) ————- [CW#T014] Findlay Isaac “Fin” Thomas (1842-1922) ———— [CW#T017.5] Charles V. Thome (1835-1917) ———— [CW#U023] Leon A. Ulman (1840-xxxx) ———— [CW#U042] John Unger (1825-190x) ———— [CW#V000.4] George Vanaman (1846-1922) ———— [CW#W062] Augustus Weisner (1821-1898) ————- [CW#W077] Benjamin Werner (18xx-xxxx) ———— [CW#W105] Nathaniel Willets (1838-xxxx) ————[CW#W113.5] William Williams (1843-xxxx) ———— [CW#W148.5] Franklin Felix Wise (1833-1916) ———— [CW#W152] John Francis Withers (1847-1898).
Note: The “CW” number in brackets is a relatively new file reference to the Civil War Project. It was created to assist in the management of both the digital files of the project. Eventually, it will be used as a searching device on the blog, thus creating a easy way to find all posts associated with a particular veteran who may have been named in many different ways when discussed in a post. It is also a way to differentiate between more than one veteran of the same name. It should also be noted that the birth and death years given are in some cases approximations and accurate, verifiable information may not yet have been obtained. Readers are invited to submit documentation where there is disagreement.
Looking for information about my great grandfather who served in the Civil War and died at the Old Soldiers Home in Marian Indiana on 10 October 1920