
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

December 2012 Posts

| January 5, 2013

A listing of the December 2012 posts on The Civil War Blog with direct links: The Brothers of John A. Sipe in the Civil War The Brothers Thomas Vanaman, George Vanaman and David Vanaman Christmas Presents During the Civil War The Husbands of the Sisters of John A. Sipe – Monroe Chronister and Hiram M. […]

John Arnts – Father of Gratz Creamery Owner

| January 4, 2013

John Arnts, or John Arntz, as he was also known, was a Civil War soldier from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, who had ties to Dauphin County through his son who was a creamery owner in Elizabethville and Gratz. John Arnts was born on 30 September 1828 and died on 7 December 1897. On 8 August 1864, […]

White House of the Confederacy, Richmond, Virginia

| January 3, 2013

The White House of the Confederacy is located at 1201 Clay Street in Richmond, Virginia. Historical Markers SA 50 WHITE HOUSE OF THE CONFEDERACY Built in 1818 as the residence of Dr. John Brockenbrough, this National Historic Landmark is best known as the executive mansion for the Confederate States of America, 1861-1865.  President Jefferson Davis […]

Mahlon Shaaber – Tallest Soldier of the Civil War

| January 2, 2013

It is very possible that Mahlon Shaaber (1844-1917), standing at more than six foot seven inches, was the tallest soldier in the Civil War.  The portrait of him, taken in his G.A.R. uniform some time after 1900, shows him standing alone, but another picture, known to have been taken in 1910 in Atlantic City (below), […]

Looking Ahead in the New Year, 2013

| January 1, 2013

The Civil War Blog has reached an important milestone as we enter the new year –  150,000 visits.  Thank you to all who made this possible – including the many readers who have made donations! In 2013, many of the posts will continue to feature stories about the individual soldiers who had some connection to […]