More Who Served Honorably in Company H, 210th Pennsylvania Infantry
Posted By Norman Gasbarro on January 11, 2013

Col. William Sergeant
In the post today, the final list of men who served honorably in the 210th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company H, will be given. To date, preliminary research has been done on each and none have been specifically connected to the Lykens Valley area and the Civil War Research Project. Files have now been created for each of these veterans. None are yet included in the present version of the Veterans List. Added to the post are the project file numbers now assigned to each of the veterans. These numbers refer to to file numbers (paper files and digital files) available from the Society. The types of information collected in the files and the rationale for the possible inclusion of these men in the project are stated in the Civil War Research Project description.
In the post of two days ago, the names of thirty-three men were given who were reported as deserted from Company H. At this point in time, none of the men in that list have been specifically connected to the Lykens Valley area. In the post yesterday, the names of the men in Company H, 210th Pennsylvania Infantry were listed who have already been included in the Civil War Research Project.
According to the history of this regiment, it was “rendezvoused at Camp Curtin, Harrisburg, and was mustered into the U. S. service from 25 August to 24 September 1864, for one year.” The various companies were formed from recruits from the “counties of Dauphin, Columbia, Schuylkill, Potter, Mifflin, Bradford, Franklin and Centre.” Its officers were Colonel William Sergeant, Lieutenant Colonel Edward L. Witman, Major Henry E. Munson, Major James H. Graves, and Major Solomon B. Bowerman.
From the Union Army, Volume 1:
Colonel Sergeant was formerly a captain in the 12th U. S. Infantry, Lieutenant Colonel Witman was a Captain in the 46th Pennsylvania Infantry, and a large proportion of both officers and men had been in the service before. As soon as it was organized it left for the front and joined the army of the Potomac before Petersburg, where it was assigned to the 3d Brigade, 2nd Division, 5th Corps. It was active for the first time at Hatcher’s Run in October, meeting with slight loss. It shared in the Weldon Railroad Expedition in December, suffering much from the intense cold and exposure, which caused many to sicken and die. It behaved with great gallantry in the engagement at Dabney’s Mill, in February 1865, where its losses were considerable. On the opening of the spring campaign it was heavily engaged from 29 March to 1 April, at the Quaker Road, Gravelly Run, the Boydton Road and Five Forks, its loss being 35 killed, 115 wounded and 150 missing. Col. Sergeant was mortally wounded at Five Forks as were Adjutant Schlesinger and Captain Hughes. It followed the enemy during his retreat from Petersburg and was at the front when Lee’s final surrender took place. It then returned to the vicinity of Washington, participated in the Grand Review, and was mustered out at Alexandria on 30 May 1865 when the recruits were transferred to the 51st Pennsylvania Infantry, with which organization they served until their final muster out on 28 July 1865.
The battles in which the 210th Pennsylvania Infantry participated were:
Fought on 8 Dec 1864.
Fought on 12 Dec 1864.
Fought on 6 Jan 1865.
Fought on 6 Feb 1865 at Hatcher’s Run, Virginia.
Fought on 6 Feb 1865 at Dabney’s Mills, Virginia.
Fought on 25 Mar 1865 at Gravelly Run, Virginia.
Fought on 31 Mar 1865 at Gravelly Run, Virginia
Fought on 1 Apr 1865 at Five Forks, Virginia.
A file was previously established for Col. William Sergeant (1829-1865), who is also found as William Sargeant. He was wounded at Gravelly Run, Virginia, 31 March 1865, and died of his wounds while aboard a ship bound for Washington, D.C., 11 April 1865. His picture, in uniform, appears at the top of this post. [File: CW#S093].
The following men from Company H, 210th Pennsylvania Infantry, are not yet included in the Civil War Research Project. Additional information is sought on each and can be sent to the project via e-mail or comments can be added to this post. All of the men were enrolled in Harrisburg and mustered in at Harrisburg or Camp Curtin in September 1864, unless otherwise noted, and all were honorably mustered out in May or June 1865, unless otherwise noted. Birth years are approximate and are based on the stated age of the soldier at the time of his enlistment. Death dates (when given) are from the Pension Index Cards that are available from Fold3. Assigned project file numbers are given, but at this time, there is probably very little in the files at the Gratz Historical Society other than the information that is stated here.
Henry Bingaman (1843- ?). Private. Also known as Henry Bingerman. Wife survived him and applied for pension. [File: CW#B085.5].
Samuel E. Brown (1844-1911). Private. Died at Forreston, Illinois. [File: CW#B22.8].
Martin Carbaugh (1838- ? ). Private. Enrolled and mustered in at Chambersburg. Also served in Company K of 210th Pennsylvania Infantry. Additional service in 165th Pennsylvania Infantry. [File: CW#C008.6].
William Carbaugh (1842-1911). Private. Enrolled and mustered in at Chambersburg. Also served in Company K of 210th Pennsylvania Infantry. Additional service in 165th Pennsylvania Infantry. [File: CW#C008.8].
John Collins (1832- ?). Private. Enrolled at Lewistown. Died at Barnham, Pennsylvania. [File: CW#C077.2].
Hugh Connolly (1827-1898). Private. Promoted to Corporal, 1 October 1864. Also found as Hugh Conley. [File: CW#C081.5].
Joseph M. Cummings (1831- ? ). Private. Enrolled at Lewistown. Widow applied for pension, 24 November 1890. [File: CW#C117.5].
Allen Cutler (1835-1892). Private. Enrolled at Lewistown. Died at Lewistown. [File: CW#C125].
Adam Demmy (1840-1914). Private. Promoted to Corporal, 1 October 1865. Additional service in 173rd Pennsylvania Infantry. Died at Manheim, Pennsylvania. [File: CW#D048.5].
Philip Devers (1820- ? ). Private. Enrolled and mustered in at York, Pennsylvania. No Pension Index Card located. [File: CW#D062.7].
John English (1846-1916). Private. Enrolled and mustered in at Troy, Pennsylvania. Died in Pennsylvania. [File: CW#E051.5].
John Feeney (1819- ? ). Private. No Pension Index Card located. [File: CW#F018.5].
John Flevel (1839-? ). Private. No muster out record located. No Pension Index Card located. [File: CW#C057.5].
John B. Fordyce (1836- ? ). Corporal. Enrolled at Lewistown. Application for pension for surviving minors was made on 19 May 1890. [File: CW#F067.5].
Christian Funk (1846-1898). Private. [File: CW#F112.5].
Joseph Grove (1844-1913). Private. Died at Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. [File: CW#G093.5].
Daniel Hafer (1837-1907). Private. [File: CW#H002.4].
Jacob Hafer (1824-1889). Private. [File: CW#H002.6].
George Jordon (1820- ? ). Private. Also found as George Jordan. No Pension Index Card located. [File: CW#J012.3].
George Kemmerer (1820-? ). Private. Also found as George Kammerer. Widow applied for pension, 8 October 1879. [File: CW#K059.5].
Anthony McCartney (1834-1916). Private. Enrolled at Lewistown. [File: CW#M070.5].
Edward Mendenhall (1845-1907). Private. Enrolled at Lewistown. [File: CW#M116.2].
David W. Miller (1840- ? ). Private. Widow applied for pension, 2 March 1907. [File: CW#M148.5].
John R. Miller (1826-1908). Captain. Veteran of Mexican War. Additional service in 79th Pennsylvania Infantry and 1st Pennsylvania Infantry. [File: CW#M170.5].
William H. Moyer (1842-1905). Private. [File: CW#M227.5].
John C. Murphy (1821- ? ). Private. Enrolled at Lewistown. Widow applied for a pension, no date given on Pension Index Card. [File: CW#M241.5].
John W. Muthersbaugh (1836-1912). 2nd Lieutenant. Died in a Veterans’ Home in Kansas. [File: CW#M246.5].
Oliver P. Newman (1824-1864). Private. Died 13 December 1864. Buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia. First wife was Julia Carl. She died before the Civil War. His second wife was Martha Elizabeth Rau who applied for a widow’s pension. [File: CW#N016.5].
James O’Dare (1843-1865). Private. Wounded at Gravelly Run, Virginia, 31 March 1865. Died in Washington, D.C., 16 April 1865. Buried Arlington National Cemetery. No Pension Index Card located. [File: CW#O004.3].
Hiram H. Parson (1831-1899). Private. [File: CW#P010.5].
James M. Penepacker (1829-1895). Private. Also known as James M. Pennypacker. Enrolled at Lewistown. Additional service in 22nd Pennsylvania Cavalry. [File: CW#P028.5
Manley Y. Pond (1838- ? ). Private. No Pension Index Card located. [File: CW#P053.5].
John B. Rice (1834- ? ). Private. Also known as John B. Reiss and John B. Riss. Widow applied for pension but no date given on Pension Index Card. [File: CW#R080.7].
John A. Riley (1826-1901). Private. Also known as John A. Reiley. Died in Washington, D.C. [File: CW#R115].
Ephraim Rinker (1843-1921). Private. Enrolled and mustered in at Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Wounded at Five Forks, Virginia, 1 April 1865. Died at McAdoo, Pennsylvania. [File: CW#R118].
David Rohrer (1846-1923). Private. Died at Waynesboro, Pennsylvania. [File: CW#R140.5].
John Shoop (1841-1924). Private. Died at Connellsville, Pennsylvania. [File: CW#S150.5].
William R. Shuey (1846-1919). Captured at Gravelly Run, Virginia, 31 March 1865, and held as Prisoner of War. Died at Harrisburg. [File: CW#S172.5].
James F. Simons (1820- ? ). Private. Additional service in 149th Pennsylvania Infantry. Widow applied for pension, but no date on Pension Index Card. [File: CW#S186.5].
Godfrey Smith (? – ?). Probably Private. Also served in Company B, 210th Pennsylvania Infantry. [File: CW#S206.5].
Thomas Thornton (1840- ? ). Private. Not on muster out roll. No Civil War Pension Index Card located. [File: CW#T028.2].
Philip Travitz (1843-1896). Private. Promoted to Sergeant, 1 October 1864. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, 16 May 1865 (not mustered). Found in records also as Philip Trewitz. Additional service in 173rd Pennsylvania Infantry. Died at Luther, Iowa. [File: CW#T046.8].
Charles Trout (1831- ? ). Private. No Pension Index Card located. [File: CW#T052.5].
William Waters (1821- ? ). Private. No Pension Index Card located. [File: CW#W032.2].
William P. Waream (1841-1870). Sergeant, by promotion on 1 October 1864. Enrolled at Lewistown. Buried at St. Mark’s Cemetery, Lewistown, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania. Widow applied for pension on 2 August 1890. [File: CW#W035.5].
John Winterode (1824- ? ). Private. Enrolled at Lewistown. Wounded at Dabney’s Mills, Virginia, 6 February 1865. No Pension Index Card located. [File: CW#W147.5].
William Yeater (1828-1892). Private. Died at Dempseytown, Pennsylvania. [File: CW#Y007.5].
Researching my great grandfather Joseph K. Groff from Elizabethtown, PA. His data is similar to a Joseph Grove from H Co. 210th PA Volunteers. Is it possible that a last name was not spelled correctly? The birth date and enlistment dates are the same as I have for Joseph Groff. Any help that you can give would be appreciated.