
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Events of the World: January 1863

| January 31, 2013

This monthly column seeks to provide a context for events going on during the Civil War era that are not directly war related. This column will appear around the last  day of the month and will summarize the historically significant events from around the world 150 years ago.   January 1863 January 1: Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation January 1: […]

Postage Stamps Honoring Abraham Lincoln – Bureau of Engraving and Printing to 1909

| January 30, 2013

Although the Bureau of Engraving and Printing had its origins during the Civil War – it was originally created to issue paper money in order to support the war effort – it was not involved in postage stamp production until July 1894.  Prior to the “Bureau Issues” of postage stamps, the U.S government had contracted […]

John P. Hocker – 173rd Pennsylvania Infantry

| January 29, 2013

“Public Notice – Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Peter Hocker, late of Middle Township, Dauphin County, deceased, have been granted….”   Thus began a legal item that appeared in the Harrisburg Patriot, 18 January 1866. The story behind the notice was found in the Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of […]

John Houser – 46th Pennsylvania Infantry

| January 27, 2013

On 29 June 1915, the Harrisburg Patriot reported that the estate of John Houser, a Civil War veteran, would be divided between his wife and two daughters, according to the provisions of his will, which was filed the day before in Dauphin County Court.  The body of John Houser had been found in Lemoyne a […]

Michael Haverstick – Died at Chattanooga in 1864 – The Care of War Orphans

| January 26, 2013

The name of Michael Haverstick appears on the Millersburg Soldier Monument.  Haverstick served in the 16th U.S. Infantry Regiment of the Regular Army, Company H, as a Private.  He was mustered into service on 25 February 1864, at York County, Pennsylvania.  At the time of his enrollment, he was 43 years old, was a miller […]