Riegel Family Veterans of Pennsylvania Civil War Regiments (Part 2 of 7)
Posted By Norman Gasbarro on October 2, 2012
Part 2 of 7. In a prior post, one branch of the Riegel family’s origins in America was presented – that of Mattheis Riegell (born about 1615) of Bad Muenster, Palatinate, Germany, who married Maria Werner. They had a son, Jost Riegell (1615-1687) who married Maria Honen (or Hoenen). Their son, Cornelius Riegel (1674-175) was the immigrant who arrived in Philadelphia in 1733, with his wife Anna Gertrude Ehrmann, and their family. Two of the sons of Cornelius and Anna Gertrude had preceded the family by arriving in Philadelphia in 1732.
From Philadelphia, the members of this family migrated first to Berks County and later westward, with many of the descendants ending up in the Lykens Valley while others went to Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa.
During the Civil War, more than 100 different men with the Riegel surname (or some variation of the name) served in Pennsylvania regiments. Some of these men will be presented in this and future posts. For many, the connection has already been made to the line of Matheis Riegel. For others, very little is known. It is hoped that readers will help complete the stories and genealogies of each of the men named Riegel.
Continued from yesterday.
Daniel Riegle (c. 1834- ?). Also found as Riegle and Riegel. 50th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company A, possibly also Company I, Private. Enrolled at Gratz Borough. His residence was not indicated in the enrollment, but his occupation was watchmaker. Mustered in at Harrisburg, 9 September 1861. Mustered out 29 September 1864. Also served (in detached service) in 79th New York Infantry, Company B, Private from 15 January 1864 through 15 April 1864. Not found in Dr. Samuel Riegel history and he was not included in the Gratz veterans’ list that was prepared for the Gratz Sesquicentennial of 1955.
Daniel Riggal (dates unknown). 37th Pennsylvania Infantry (Emergency of 1863), Company K, Sergeant. Mustered in July 1863 and discharged on 4 August 1863.
Daniel Riggell (c. 1829- ?). 3rd Pennsylvania Artillery, Company H, Private. Enrolled at Mifflin Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. Mustered in at Williamsport, Lycoming County. , 29 February 1864. His name is not on the muster out roll. He was a laborer, height of 6′ 1″, black hair, black eyes and dark complexion who claimed he was born in Muncy, Pennsylvania, and at the time of his enrollment was living in Lycoming County.
Daniel Riegal (c. 1838-c. 1864). 36th Pennsylvania Infantry (7th Reserves), Company C, Private. Enrolled at Lebanon, Lebanon County. Mustered in at Harrisburg, 10 September 1862. Missing in action at Battle of Wilderness, Virginia, 6 May 1864, and presumed dead. His wife’s name was Veronica.
Daniel Riggle (c. 1830-1901). Also known as Riggles. 131st Pennsylvania Infantry, Company I, Private. Enrolled at Williamsport, Lycoming County. Mustered in at Harrisburg, 12 August 1862. Wounded at Battle of Fredericksburg, Maryland, 15 December 1862. Discharged on account of wounds received on Surgeon’s Certificate of Disability, 7 January 1863. Re-enlisted in 188th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company D, Private, at Mifflin Township, Lycoming County. Mustered in at Carlisle, 29 February 1864 and reported deserted on 18 November 1864. On this second enlistment his height was 6’1″, he had black hair, dark eyes and dark complexion and he stated he was employed as a laborer. His wife’s name was Mary. He is buried at Hyner Cemetery, Chapman Township, Clinton County, Pennsylvania.
Daniel Riegle (c. 1830-1905). Also known as Reigel, Raegle and Reegle. 177th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company C, Private. Drafted and mustered in on 2 November 1862 and mustered out on 5 August 1863. 201st Pennsylvania Infantry, Company I, Private. Enrolled and mustered in at Harrisburg on 22 August 1864 and mustered out 21 June 1865. Faint writing on Veterans’ Index Card at the Pennsylvania Archives indicates he had gray eyes and a light complexion. He applied for an invalid pension in 1879. His wife’s name was Jane Painter and she did not survive him. He is buried in the Linglestown Church of God Cemetery, Linglestown, Dauphin County. Grave photo from Ancestry.com.

Daniel P. Reigle
Daniel Peter Reigle (1841-1917). Also known as Riggle, Riegle, etc. 87th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company F, Sergeant. Medal of Honor recipient. Previously featured in blog post Daniel P. Reigle – 87th Pennsylvania Infantry – Medal of Honor. He was a laborer from Oxford, Pennsylvania, who was 5’10.5″ tall, had brown hair, hazel eyes and fair complexion. He was born in Adams County, Pennsylvania. His wife’s name was Cevilla Rachel Degroft. He is buried at Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Littlestown, Adams County.
Daniel K. Reigle (1827-1875). 177th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company A, Private. Drafted and mustered into service on 28 October 1862. Muster out date not established. It is possible that this is the same Daniel whose brother was John Reigle (1817-1867) who also served in the Civil War. There is a Daniel J. Reigle who appears in the records of the 49th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company I, as a Private, but this could be a different one (see below). Part of the confusion here is that the Klingerstown Bicentennial Book indicates that Civil War veterans Daniel K. Reigle is buried in Himmel’s Church Cemetery, Rebuck, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, while the Pennsylvania Veterans’ Burial Card (Pennsylvania Archives) indicates that the Daniel K. Reigle who served in the 177th Pennsylvania Infantry is buried in Chapman Township, Snyder County, Pennsylvania. Daniel K. Reigle (1827-1875) is found in Dr. Samuel Riegel‘s history, page 2-68, as married to Elizabeth Herrold (1825-1881).
Daniel Riegel (dates unknown). 48th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company I, Private. This individual was located in the Pennsylvania Veterans’ Burial Cards (Pennsylvania Archives) for St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Cemetery, Orwigsburg, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, as having served in this regiment but no other records have been located. According to the burial card, the dates of service were 18 September 1861 through 17 July 1865.
Daniel J. Reigle (1825-1901). Also found as Riggle. 49th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company I, Private. Born in Union County, Pennsylvania, a laborer, enrolled and mustered in at Harrisburg, 26 February 1864. Mustered out on 15 July 1865. Possibly married three times: first to Mary Ann Getz; second to Susan, maiden name unknown; and third to Amelia Felmey. Buried at Beavertown Cemetery, Beavertown, Snyder County, Pennsylvania. The grave marker photo is from Ancestry.com.
David Rigle (1833-1906). Also found as Riggle, Riegle, etc. 169th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company B, Private. Mustered in at Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, 16 October 1862. Mustered out 26 July 1863. In 1890, he was living in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. He married a woman named Eliza.
David J. Reigle (dates unknown). Also as Riegle. 57th Pennsylvania Infantry (Emergency of 1863), Company B, Private. Mustered into state service in July 1863 and discharged on 17 August 1863.
David J. Riggle (?-1864). Found in Pennsylvania Archives records as “D. J. Riggle.” 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company I, Private. He was mustered into service on 30 March 1864 and died as a prisoner of war (POW) at Danville, Virginia, 16 December 1864. No pension record has been located. It is possible that this is the same person who served in the 57th Pennsylvania Infantry (Emergency of 1863) – see above – and/or the 40th Pennsylvania Infantry – see below – but no evidence has been seen to confirm this.
David J. Reigle (c. 1846-?). Also found at Reigel. 40th Pennsylvania Infantry (11th Reserves), Company K, Private. Enrolled at Indiana, Pennsylvania, 19 September 1862, mustered in at Harrisburg on 29 September 1862, and discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate of Disability on 10 February 1863. It is possible that this is the same person as the one who served in the 57th Pennsylvania Infantry (Emergency of 1863) and the 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry – see above – but no evidence has been seen to confirm this.
Edward Riggle (c. 1836-1903). Records also show him as Wriggle. 105th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company B, Private and then promoted to Corporal. enrolled at Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,. and mustered in at the same place, 9 September 1861. He was not on the muster out roll, but in the 1890 Veterans’ Census he declared that he served until 8 September 1864. He married Elizabeth Helen Harley and he is buried at Sabula Methodist Cemetery, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. The gravestone image is from Ancestry.com.
Emanuel Rigle (1834-1903). Found also as Reigle. 167th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company E, Private. Drafted and mustered in on 12 November 1862 at Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Served until 12 August 1863. Married Catharine Stief. Buried at Bern Church Yard, Bernville, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Grave marker photo is from Ancestry.com.
Franklin Reigle (c. 1844-?). Also in records as Riegle. 17nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Company I, Private. Drafted and mustered into service, 28 October 1862. Mustered out of service 1 August 1863.
Franklin Reigel (c. 1834-1891). Also found as Riegle. 48th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company I, Private. At his enlistment, he stated he was 37 years old. He had brown eyes, dark complexion and black hair and stood 5’11” tall. His residence was Orwigsburg, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania and he indicated that he was a farmer. At the time of his enlistment in the 48th Pennsylvania, he was probably part of a local militia. He served from 25 August 1861 to a re-enlistment at Cincinnati, Ohio, on 1 January 1864 through discharge on 17 July 1865. His wife’s name was Matilda.
Frederick Reigle (1846-1923). Same person as John Frederick Riegle. 51st Pennsylvania Infantry, Company F, Private. He was born in Snyder County, Pennsylvania, and was a farmer. He enrolled at Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, and was mustered into service at Harrisburg, 20 February 1864. He served until discharge on 27 July 1865. Late in his life he lived in veterans’ homes. He died in Colesburg, Iowa. The photo is from Ancestry.com.
Frederick Reagle (dates unknown). Also found as Regle. 168th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company K, Private. Mustered in at Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, on 16 October 1862. Reported as deserted on 1 December 1862.
George Riegle (c. 1846-c.1914). Found also as George S. Reigel and George W. Riegle, and other combinations of the same. 27th Pennsylvania Infantry (Emergency of 1863), Company G, Private. Enrolled at Ashland, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania and mustered in at Harrisburg on 19 June 1863 and discharged on 1 August 1863. Re-enlisted in 205th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company B, Private, on 19 August 1864 and served until muster out on 2 June 1865. His wife’s name was Sarah.
George B. Reigle (1840-1916). Also spelled as Rigel and found as George P. Reigle. 174th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company K, Musician. He enrolled at Philadelphia as a draftee and at the time was employed as a shoemaker, 16 October 1862 and served until 25 February 1863. There is no record that he was ever married. He is buried at Neshaminy Cemetery, Hartsville, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The grave marker photo is from Ancestry.com.
George Riegel (c. 1843-1876). Found in Dr. Samuel Riegel‘s history and named as a Civil War veteran (page 2-31), and a 4th cousin of Harrison Riegle of Lykens Township. However no specific regiment or company has yet been confirmed. It is possible that this is the same George B. Reigle (above) who served in the 27th Pennsylvania Infantry, but the dates (birth-death) don’t match.
George W. Riggle (1842-1912). 131st Pennsylvania Infantry, Company I, Private. He enrolled at Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, and was mustered into service at Harrisburg, 12 August 1862. He was discharged on 23 May 1863. His brother Levi Riggle served in the 37th Pennsylvania Infantry and the 188th Pennsylvania Infantry. George was married twice, first to Johanna A. Buddinger and second to Hannah “Maria” Olmstead. His second wife survived him.
George W. Reigle (dates unknown). Also found at Riegle. 5th Pennsylvania Infantry (Emergency of 1862), Company D, Private. Enrolled at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and mustered into service on 12 September 1862. Discharged on 24 September 1862.
George Rigel (dates unknown) was found in the Civil War Pension Index Card File for service in the 28th U.S. Infantry, Company K. However, his muster in date of 5 June 1901 and muster out date of 2 June 1904 confirm that he did not serve in the Civil War.
Continued tomorrow.
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