Advertisements from August 27, 1862
Posted By Brian Tomlin on August 27, 2012
The following advertisements were taken from the Lancaster Examiner and Herald dated August 27, 1862.
Selected text from each ad are typed out beside the photo of the ad. You may see the entire August 27, 1862 edition of the Examiner here.
The Lancaster Academy. Mr. George R. Barr, of this city, having procured the large and beautiful rooms in Reed & McGrann’s Banking House, will open a School for the Education of both sexes, on Onday, August 11, to continue in session until the close of June, 1863,
The Course of instruction will embrace all the branches taught in the Common and High Schools in this city, including the German, French and Latin Languages. The school will be conducted on the most approved princuples of modern training, by the Princiapl and several experienced Female Assistants; and, in addition to all the other advantages which the institution will afford, the course of study will be accopanied by Lectures on the Physical, Intellectual and Moral Scienes, and Illustrated by Maps, Charts, Black-boards, Apparatus and a Cabinet of Mineralogical, Botanical and Zoological Specimans. Sound moral training will constitute an important feature of the educational system of the Scho9ol; and with many years of exprience in one of the best schools in the State, the Principal flatters himself that he will be able to give full satisfaction to all who may be placed under his care. Excellent Boarding may be obtained from $2.00 to $2.50 per week.
Application for admission should be made immeidately in orfder to secure seats.
Circulars containing terms and further particulars may be obtained by addressing or calling upon the Principal, at his residecne, at No. 60 West Orange Street.
Every man of you harken and heed!
Every one of you listen and read!
Fathers and brothes, and uncles and cousins,
All your relations, by dozens and dozens.
Harken and listen! We bravely declare
Here are the Garments for Summer Wear;
Garments for persons of every condition.
For men of all shapes and of every position.
Elegants suits of appropriate colors,
All to be had for a very few dollars;
Novelties splendid in Masculine Raiment,
At shocking low prices for readyh cash payment.
Clothing for gentlemen long or tall,
Clothing for stout men, clothing for small:
Certain to fit you– Come! hurry and buy
Elegant clothing for June and July.
Trumpet the tidings from city and town!
Tell the intelligence gladly around!
Bring your relations and neighbors all–
Come and buy clothing at the Great Oak Hall.
Particular Notice: This extensive establishment is directly on the corner of Sixth and Market Streets. Wannamaker and Brown, Philadelphia
Sparkling Soda Water, in the Syrups of
Lemon, Pine Apple, Sarsaparilla, Vanilla, Ginger, Orange, Strawberry, Nectar, Orgeat, Raspberry and Raspberry Vinegar.
Also, the Cream Syrups of Great Variety
Heitshu’s Drug Store, 13 West King Street, Lancaster PA.
Wentz Brothers
Have still on Exhibition that LARGE HOOP SKIRT,
For which a premium of One Thousand Dollars will be given to any lady tall enough to wear it. Ladies are invited to call and see it, and contend for the premium; at least, secure one of the three thousand hoop skirts which Wentz Brothers are offering at Old Prices, not withstanding the advance of the manufacturers in consequence of the new tax bill. An extra large purchase direct from the Manufactor, prior to the advance enable us to offer Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Hoop Skirts At Old Prices