
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Ambrose Rathvon – Emergency Man, President of Millersburg Planing Mill Company

| May 24, 2017

Two entries appear in the 1893 Harrisburg City Directory for the Millersburg Planing Mill Company, as seen in the page portion above.  In the first entry, the company is named in the alphabetical listing with officers given as follows:  Ambrose Rathvon, President; Ramsey E. Moyer, Treasurer; and H. Frank Sheetz, Secretary.  At the bottom of […]

Joseph E. Peters Jr. – Located in Elizabethville Area After War

| May 19, 2017

Joseph Edwin Peters Jr. served in the 107th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company D, as a Private during the Civil War.  A brief sketch of him, edited from information found in Captain Enders Legion, pages 173-174, is as follows: Joseph E. Peters Jr. was born 12 July 1843 in Mahantongo, Pennsylvania.  He was the son of Joseph […]

Moses Neyer – Another Missing Millersburg Civil War Veteran

| April 24, 2017

Moses Neyer is missing, i.e., his name in missing from the tablet on the Millersburg Soldier Monument which recognizes Civil War soldiers from that community and the surrounding area of Upper Paxton Township who honorably served in the war.   The photograph at the top of this post (from Findagrave) of his stone at the Oak […]

Daniel B. Oberholzer – Artist of Elizabethville & Carpenter of Millersburg

| March 15, 2017

The name Daniel Oberholtzer appears on the plaque on the Millersburg Soldier Monument, Millersburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.  In researching him, several surprising facts were uncovered. According to information found on Ancestry.com and elsewhere, Daniel Oberholtzer (or Daniel Oberholzer is he is sometimes found in the records), was born on 2 June 1838 in Pennsylvania, the […]

Harry M. Kieffer’s Recollections – Johnny Comes Marching Home

| February 13, 2017

Today’s post features Chapter 26, the final chapter of Recollections of a Drummer Boy. Previously on this blog, a brief sketch was presented on the Rev. Dr. Henry M. Kieffer, a Civil War veteran who was not included on the Millersburg Soldier Monument.  In that sketch, it was noted that Rev. Dr. Kieffer was enumerated […]